Friday, 14 May 2010

How policy modelling and scenario generation can support policy making?

OCOPOMO intends to demonstrate that, with appropriate ICT, the integration of formal policy modelling, scenario generation and open and widespread collaboration is not only possible but essential at all levels of policy formation whether local, regional, national or global. Visit us at in order to know more...

Thursday, 13 May 2010

How to take up the challenge of ICT for better decision making?

The rapid advance of Communication technologies, especially the Internet, has enabled governments all over the world to reach out their constituencies in innovative ways and improve services. What are the challenges for R&D in this area?

Policy modelling in the current scenario...

We believe that especially the current economic and financial crisis, which resulted also from our inability to predict dramatic changes in the economy and society, sheds light on an urgent need for more effective and efficient processes of governance and policy making. Do you agree?