The Government Transformation blogspot, Prof. Yannis Charalabidis' blog, is one of the leading academic outlets on egovernment and t-government research on interoperability, service creation, semantics and ontologies, e-participation, egov cloud infrastructure, impact analysis and project management.
One of the latest posts mentions OCOPOMO's presentation at the Samos Summit and its role in producing innovative applications for citizens, public officials, politicians and businesses, in the coming years.
With the participation of 100 high-level eGovernment experts from 20 countries, the SAMOS summit was organised on July 6 – 9, in the Research and Training Institute of East Aegean - INEAG, at Campos Vourlioton, Samos. The meeting adopted the "Samos Declaration," which calls the United Nations, the European Union and the National Governments to support research on new ICT tools for citizens and governance.